인공위성! 한국을 찍는다! [영국어 뉴스 해석] 환경

여러분 안녕하세요 오늘도 영어 뉴스 해석 포스팅에서 뵀던 리나입니다!오늘 가져온 뉴스에서는 한국의 환경 모니터링 인공위성이 한반도의 모습을 담은 사진이 기사화 되었는데요!지금부터 알아볼까요?Korea ‘ s environment monitoring satellite sends first maritime images South Korea released the firstimages sent back by its environment monitoring satellite tclearly shows waters around the Peninsul

영어 뉴스 해석 단어 1 : rel eased : 발매하다, 공개하는 allow or enable to escape from confinement; setfree.

The Chollian – 2B , the country ‘ s first geostationary satellite launched from French Guiana on Feb . 18 ( local time ) and now at a fixed orbit some 35 , 786 kilometers abovethe equator , provided better – than – expected initial photos of theNort Asian region , according to the Ministry ofSci , フランス 初 の 写真

The 3.4-ton satellite stationed at 128.25 degrees longitude took the images on two different occasions, once on March 23 화상은 최첨단의 GOCI-2(지구 정지궤도 인공위성 해양색 화상 촬영 기계)를 테스트하기 위해서 촬영되었다.영어뉴스해석 단어 2 : test : 시험하다 , 실험하다 , 테스트하다 a procedure intended to establish the quality , performance , or reliability of something , especially before it is taken into widespread use . or enable to escape from confinement ; set free .

“The first images have no t been appropriately corrected, but they are still verysharp, underlying the excellence of the Chollian-2 부와 같이 수정됨”은 분명하지 않음 “과학부 사진과 수정됨”은 확실하지 않음 the excellence of the Chollian-2Bida

Compared with the existin g Chollian-1 satellite, the spatial resolution is fourtimes better, makingit possiblefor the satellite tocheck ports,seasidefacilities, bridges and changesinthe waterconditions swetterland,영어뉴스해석 단어 3:port: 항구a town or city with a harbor where ships load or unload, especially one where customs officers are stationed.

Inaddition, the satellite has four more observation bands compared with the former satellite, which canutilize everything fromultraviolethrough nearin fr. 자외선 활용보다 자외선 활용이 가능함. 자외선 활용이 가능함

The ministry said scientists will optimize and calibrate the GOCI-2 in the coming months othat full-fledge dimageservices canstart in Octoberasplanned. 과학자들이 GOCI-2를 수개월 간 최적화하는 보정하고, 완벽한 이미지 서비스를 시작하자 10월로 예정 영어뉴스해석 단어 4:calibrate:보정하다 adjust(experimental results)to take external factors into account or to allow comparison with other data.

Besides the maritime imag er, the Chollian-2Bis equipped with the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Specter (GEMS) with “machine learning” capil Monmental Monitoring Specter (GEMS) 을 가진 기계 (GEMS) with “ms) with “m schineletrak tramming storing stramming storing trawitoring tramming” c

‘The country spent 386.7 billion won (US$316 million) on the Chollian-2B project, which began in 2011.’ 국가에서 3868억원을 2011년부터 시작된 천리안-2B 프로젝트에 지출했다.

The ministry said the life cycle of the satellite is 10 years, the same asthe Chollian-2A. (Yonhap) 과학부는 이 인공위성의 수명이 10년, 천리안-2A와 동일하다고 발표했다.영어 뉴스 해석 단어 5: capabilities: 능력 the power or ability to do something.

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