수원부비동염 방치하고 있다면

If you have left Suwon sinusitis unattended,

It has been quite a while since the beginning of winter, so the colder weather continued.Furthermore, it was more common for dry air to cause or worsen respiratory diseases.In the case of the nose and mouth, we are affected by the air around us because we play a vital role in maintaining life.If cold and dry air continues, the incidence of disease increases.There are also colds and rhinitis, but there are relatively many people who suffer from Suwon sinusitis.

There are some parts that are difficult to treat, and there are times when you have a hard time for a long time.Therefore, if you visit the Jonesville otorhinolaryngology department, you can get close medical treatment.Suwon sinusitis is often called empyema, and it is literally a disease caused by inflammation of the sinus.In the case of sinus, it is divided into four spaces, and it is called Saek-dong, Sangak-dong, Maegashira-dong, and Tectonic-dong.There is no special period, but it is filled with air only.However, through this, it regulates the pressure of the nasal cavity and plays various roles such as voice ringing and humidification.

Suwon sinusitis is also classified into acute and chronic forms.Acute sinusitis means within four weeks of development and can be treated faster using drugs.The symptoms continue for more than four weeks, but within 12 weeks, we will diagnose it as subacute sinusitis.In this case, treatment and recovery take a relatively long time.Finally, chronic sinusitis is when symptoms persist for 12 weeks and medication and other treatments do not improve.A clear diagnosis is made by questioning the symptoms that appear, radiography, and endoscopy.

Appropriate treatment will be performed according to the condition of each person’s water source sinusitis.First, we will treat you with antibiotics.Surgery can also be considered if the symptoms do not improve or appear repeatedly.Surgical treatment is necessary if the symptoms persist for more than three months even for continuous treatment, rather than unnecessary surgery.It’s also a part where you feel a little burdened, but it’s done by an endoscope, so you can reduce your worries more.

In particular, diseases such as Suwon sinusitis are likely to occur when the seasons change suddenly like these days.There are many cases where you don’t get proper treatment because you think it’s just a cold or rhinitis.Jonesville should visit the nose and throat department for an appropriate diagnosis even if it seems to be a minor disease.If abnormal symptoms are left unattended, the disease becomes more serious.You can spend more comfortable days with the consultation of an otolaryngologist.So don’t hesitate to visit the main hospital.

Jonesville Otorhinolaryngology Clinic No. 1201, Tokunaga-daero, Suwon-gu, Gyeonggi-do, 8

Jonesville Otorhinolaryngology Clinic No. 1201, Tokunaga-daero, Suwon-gu, Gyeonggi-do, 8

Jonesville Otorhinolaryngology Clinic No. 1201, Tokunaga-daero, Suwon-gu, Gyeonggi-do, 8

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