부산구강내과질환, 자꾸 냄새나는 이유

● Busan Oral Medicine Disease, Reasons for SmellIt is no exaggeration to say that smooth conversation with people is an essential part of social life. However, there are unexpected factors that can interfere with this. It’s nothing but bad breath. These days, people often wear masks when they talk, so they are relatively free from this worry, but the unpleasant smell inside the mask itself is another stress.It may not be an oral problem.Usually, if your mouth smells bad, you go to the dentist and get a cavity treated or scaled. The problem is when you continue to feel nauseous even though you put enough effort into managing your oral cavity. At this time, it is necessary to investigate whether the reason is hidden somewhere else rather than the problems in the oral cavity.Generally, bad breath can be caused by oral problems such as cavities, gums, stomatitis, oral inflammation, tongue moss, and dry mouth, but it can also be caused by external causes such as reflux esophagitis, esophageal gesil, constipation, rhinitis, empyema, diabetes, liver, and kidney. Also, psychological causes such as paranoia and bad breath phobia can become problems. What we pay attention to is the cause of the oral cavity. The oriental medicine clinic, which deals with Busan Oral Medicine Disease, is conducting various methods to identify factors other than the oral cavity.They include autonomic balance tests to determine the relative balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, halimeter tests to determine the concentration of volatile compounds, tonsil endoscopy to determine the presence of tonsil stones and postnasal leaks.In particular, the Harley meter of Interscan can quantify the degree of bad breath numerically, and it explains the degree more objectively to patients. Numerical analysis can also determine whether it is an oral problem or a curious bad breath. The examination time for Busan Oral Medicine Disease is short, about 10 minutes, so it doesn’t take much effort.Based on a series of confirmation results, the oriental medicine clinic, which deals with Busan oral disease, prescribes customized hot water medicine according to the cause. According to the statistics of patients visiting our hospital, there were many cases of stress-induced indigestion and dry mouth, and respiratory problems such as rhinitis and empyema led to bad breath. The prescribed medicine strengthens the energy of internal organs such as digestive organs and respiratory organs to improve oral problems such as tongue moss, dry mouth, and nasal tract.In addition, needle fluid distilled from drugs to improve bad breath can be injected into the hole to strengthen gastrointestinal function and promote saliva secretion, as well as nasal and oral treatments to improve rhinitis, rust accumulation, and tonsil stones.In particular, Busan Oral Medicine Clinic provides detailed information on food, mouth management, and stress management methods so that patients can be treated more effectively and have a refreshing daily life without any inconvenience.50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous, County, District, CountryWigan Oriental Medicine Clinic Busan Seomyeon Branch Reservation No. 1302, 13th floor, Inje Medical Center, 785 Gaya-daero, Jin-gu, Busan, BusanDon’t turn away and look directly at me!How do you feel when someone says to me, “Your mouth has bad breath?” You’ll be embarrassed and embarrassed. At best, you may be annoyed by the person who told you. But if someone says so, you have to be thankful. I had the opportunity to correct the problem. Ignoring and avoiding a certain problem will never solve the problem. We have to face the problem, find the cause, and deal with it accordingly. Don’t neglect your efforts to regain your dignity.* Based on the health authorities’ guidelines for preventing new coronavirus infections, our hospital temporarily supports patients’ healthy daily recovery through non-face-to-face treatment. It is only done when the medical staff decides that prescriptions can be made only by non-face-to-face treatment, rather than proceeding indiscriminately, and in this case, prescriptions are delivered by courier. First of all, please consult lightly and use it as an opportunity for daily recovery.* Based on the health authorities’ guidelines for preventing new coronavirus infections, our hospital temporarily supports patients’ healthy daily recovery through non-face-to-face treatment. It is only done when the medical staff decides that prescriptions can be made only by non-face-to-face treatment, rather than proceeding indiscriminately, and in this case, prescriptions are delivered by courier. First of all, please consult lightly and use it as an opportunity for daily recovery.

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